Please make sure you've installed the following packages so that KDE will automatically use Scim as default input method: scim-bridge-agent scim-bridge-client-qt scim-bridge-client-gtk. For KDE4 may be you should install additional scim-bridge-client-qt4. After that, type "im-switch -s scim-bridge" to activate Scim. For more information see my previous post and here.
To type Arabic you don't need scim-anthy since it is for Japanese. You need scim-tables-additional package installed. Now, re-login.
To test, open kopete chat window since it automatically supports right to left typing mode. Ctrl+Space to start writing with Scim, choose Arabic Egypt from the scim popup. You should see Scim popup like the following
Adapted from this table, we can use the following rule using US Keyboard (the most common keyboard at least in my country: Indonesia).
arabic font | keyboard |
ا | a |
ب | b |
ت | t |
ث | th |
ج | j |
ح | h. |
خ | kh |
د | d |
ذ | dh |
ر | r |
ز | z |
س | s |
ش | sh |
ص | s. |
ض | d. |
ط | t. |
ظ | z. |
ع | ' |
غ | gh |
ف | f |
ق | q |
ك | k |
ل | l |
م | m |
ن | n |
ه | h |
و | w |
ي | y |
ة | h' |
ﺀ | '2 |
ٔ | /2 |
- To type لا you can combine A and l.
- The words انّ with tashdid is typed Anx.
- To make vowel, just add a i u after the consonant.
- To make tanwin, just add an in un after the consonant.
الحمداللّه now you can type Arabic
That about sukun
Sukun is /' so taj/'wyd/' = تَجْويدْ
You can figure out the rest of the symbols by running the following command in the terminal:
cat /usr/share/scim/tables/Arabic.bin
Nice post humingway. But I can't see the text clearly. I tried some combinations work for me
Large A for alif. Small a gives you fathah diacritical mark instead.
I can't get the character إ as in الإنجليزية using the SCIM layout. Tips?
Occherinibelli, try Ah (capital A, lowercase h). To type الإنجليزية, it's AlAhnjlyzyh'
Best of luck!
شكرا جزيلا!
terima kasih, ini sangat membantu
Beberapa kali saya temukan blog orang Indonesia yang membahas tentang Linux dalam Bahasa Inggris. Dan saya menemukan yang bagus lagi, tepat pada apa yang saya cari selama ini:
BA' = B
dan seterusnya.
Saya sudah melakukan gugling, dan pencarian tidak terhenti di beberapa waktu silam. Alhamdulillah kemarin saya nemu lalu hari ini tutorial ini. Saya senang sekali.
Saya pribadi mengundang akang untuk singgah di #ubuntu-indonesia @ freenode.
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